Your Brain Weighs 500 Pounds: Recipe #1

Embrace Your Ambition
Ambition drives positive change.
Imagine a world without entrepreneurs, engineers, scientists, and thought leaders. Without them, there would be no cures for sickness or disease, no electric cars, none of the handheld computers we depend on every day (cell phones), and we most certainly would not have sent the Spirit Rover to Mars. The best entrepreneurs, engineers, scientists, and thought leaders are extremely ambitious. Yet the word “ambition” can have a negative connotation.
For decades, we’ve allowed our culture—knowingly or unknowingly—to characterize ambition as negative, often seeing it associated with individualistic or self-serving perspectives. The reality is that ambition is one of the greatest drivers of positive change for humanity on Earth. It’s time to change the narrative. Your ambitions are not selfish or vain—they are positive and, most times, a force for good. Embrace your ambitions and make a commitment to drive toward the outcomes you desire. Be ambitious, and don’t get sidetracked by anyone who criticizes your aspiration to achieve greatness..